We would like to know your views on our proposed Strategy & Management Plan 2022. Please take a moment to fill in one of our forms (online or print out) using the links below.
Many of you are aware that there is now unequivocal evidence that Atlantic salmon populations are in crisis – not just here in Scotland, but across all of their North Atlantic range.
In January this year, the Scottish Government published its Wild Salmon Strategy and is currently working on the development of a plan to implement this, in order to reverse the plight of our iconic fish. Last week, the Spey Fishery Board joined Fisheries Management Scotland and other District Salmon Boards in publishing a “Call to Action”, collectively outlining 8 critical conservation steps that need to be taken to help stop and in time reverse the decline in salmon populations. In addition, the Spey Fishery Board has also promised to begin a consultation on a revised Strategy and Management Plan for 2022.
In this respect, the Board’s proposed Strategy & Management Plan can be found here, which includes a number of questions. We are particularly keen to hear your views on it: what parts of it you agree with; what parts of it you may not agree with; and any other comments you may have.
How can you comment on our Strategy and Management Plan?
- Fill in our online form or
- Print out our form and once completed please email it to us at [email protected]
Please complete your consultation response by close of business on Friday 8th July 2022. We will then issue a summary of the consultation responses soon thereafter.
Thank you for your help with this and we look forward to hearing from you in due course.
2 thoughts on “Consultation on Strategy & Management Plan”
I generally support the Strategy & Management Plan & although the schemes are fine they will all take a long time to have much effect. I believe that more immediate & direct action needs to be taken. The Spey Board Hatchery should be running to full capacity & producing many more parr to enhance the ever dwindling numbers of returning fish.These juveniles should be stocked throughout the main river.There are still the remains of the old Tulchan hatchery; this I think could easily be brought back to life & probably by the current owner.Basically the more smolts that leave the river, the more adult fish will return.
All good anything that can help the decline