It’s been a typical early March week – changeable weather conditions and fluctuating river levels – but in general still cold! However Speyside can still look beautiful in early spring…..

River heights – 1ft10 – 4ft (give or take an inch or 2)
Water Temps – 39-42F or 4-6C
Monday and Tuesday were actually good fishing days – medium river with good clarity. The fish were also in a good mood and around 9 were landed. The rains came and the river rose to around the 4ft mark. Water clarity wasn’t great but by late Thursday the levels were dropping and the colour and clarity were much improved. Friday and Saturday saw some springer action again with a further 5 landed – and the midweek lift in water enticing in some bigger salmon into the system – always a welcome sight!
Catch Summary –
Upper River – Again very little rod pressure and no fish reported.
Middle River – 9 fish reported – Kinermony, Wester Elchies, Delagyle and Laggan
Lower River – 5 fish reported – Orton, Rothes, Arndilly and Easter Elchies
Average size again around the 7-8lb mark.
It goes without overstating that the river is not fully rodded under the current travel restrictions so fishing effort is well below the norm.
As mentioned above, it was evident that the lift in water levels mid-week brought in some bigger fish. Some were seen running through and one or two were hooked and lost, but on Saturday morning Mark Morrison was in the right place at the right time. While fishing down the Boat Pool on the Kinermony Beat he hooked into a good fish. After 40 minutes of adrenaline-filled excitment he (and ghillie David Brand) managed to land a truly magnificent spring salmon measuring 41 inches. I will refrain from putting an exact weight on this fish but a guesstimate (using the typical length to weight comparison) would probably see it over the 25lbs mark. A wonderful specimen and a truly memorable fishing experience for Mark.

A little further upstream on the Delagyle Beat Veronica Sinclair celebrated International Ladies day in style landing 3 salmon that day – and then went on to land another the following day. 4 springers in 2 days is no mean feat in March so a big well done to Veronica.
Other fish landed and photographed – Nicola Kennel (Laggan), Robbie Stronach – holding Malcolm Newbould fish(Rothes) and leslie Tyson (Easter Elchies)

Looking ahead to this coming week –
Weather forecast is for more settled conditions – very little rain but remaining cold. River should drop slowly and water temps will probably hover around the 40F mark. Usual early-spring tactics still apply. It looks a good week to be on the river though.
I hear the Knockando Beats are opening up this week. Every chance a springer or two will be resting in their pools just waiting for a well presented fly. Other beats may have availability also.
As ever, please continue to adhere current travel restrictions when booking your days.
Tightlines to all.