Week Commencing 14th June – catches improve on the bottom beats

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It was another week of settled weather and low water on Speyside.  For some beats this is good news, for others, it’s less productive – swings and roundabouts, as they say 🙂  However it was encouraging to see the bottom beats starting to hold a few fish for longer in the pools.  Every part of the river deserves their fair share of action and this week the anglers on the Gordon Castle beats enjoyed some fine sport.

River heights – 4in(+/- 2in)
Water Temps – 58-61F or 14-16C
Air temps – 10-17C – sunny/clouds

Although the river is on the low-side and in need of a freshet, salmon can still make their way upstream very quickly and a number of sealiced fish were caught in the middle beats throughout the week.

The lower river beats had an average week by their standards but still managed some lovely salmon up to 19lbs.

Catch Summary
Upper River  –  
Limited news but 5 reported (no figures from the three main upper beats)
Middle River –
Over 40 fish reported
Lower River –  
Over 90 fish reported
Average salmon size –
approx 11lb. Biggest fish reported 19lbs.

I think it’s fair to say it’s been a fairly average week for the river as a whole.  However, the grilse run is now building, and the average salmon size is still into double figures – so there’s still plenty to be positive about.  Some beats are doing well with sea-trout also, which is good news for those who enjoy a midnight cast!

Highlight of the week

16yr old Thomas Robertson is having a good season. He landed 5 salmon last week,  to his own rod. It’s great to see the next generation showing the current generation how it’s done!!  He puts his success down to making the right choice of fly for the conditions – cascade for brights days, Willie Gunn for cloudier days. Spot on young man!

Once again,  our female anglers were doing well and catching some Spey sparklers.

A few more lovely salmon along with happy faces –

It’s worth noting that with the sustained low water there’s been a few salmon found with disease. This isn’t unusual, but if you do come across or indeed catch a diseased fish, then seek advice from your ghillie.  A sign to look for is white marks on the gill plate or head.

Also, there’s reports of pink salmon being caught off coast in Norway. We suspect these will make their way across the North Atlantic and so we could see some enter our rivers here in Scotland.   Please report any pink salmon seen or caught.  If caught, please remove from the river.

Example Photo

Looking head

Well, the forecast for next week wouldn’t make you think it’s summertime! Daytime highs of 16deg C isn’t really what you’d expect in June, but I guess for us fisherman, it’s no so bad. 🙂 There’s not a lot of precipitation – more a mix of cloud, sun and light showers. The river will remain on the low side.

As always, tightlines to all casting a fly across the beautiful Spey pools –  and please share your news/photos/videos should you wish. media@speyfisheryboard.com


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