Week Commencing 29th April 2024

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Good evening everyone

This is a very late weekly report due to family visits today but back in time to get this out on Sunday night – I hope.

The week gone by gave us another mix of Scottish weather, including warm bright sunshine- can be unheard of in Scotland!!

The once brown fields have now sprouted this years crops and these have grown a couple on inches in the last week, quite amazing what a bit of warmth can do. Th garden is the same with fresh growth appearing in all corners. Its has been quiet on the wildlife spotting front recently except for a Tawny Owl sitting wide eyed on a fence post on broad daylight the other night and my spaniel putting up a pair of grey partridges in the local hedgerow, they were far from amused.

Right lets head down the river to see how everyone did.

At Castle Grant, Simon Crozier reports a quiet week across the beats . Fish were seen on all the beats but proved hard to tempt. Damian Lawless managed to persuade one of 11lbs on Monday from March pool. On Tuesday Vinski Siponen had his first salmon of 11lbs from March pool, a fish of 8lbs was taken from Number1 burn on Wednesday another of around 6lbs came from Number1 burn on Thursday. We hope for more sport in the week to come.

Vinski Siponen’s fish
Damien Lawless 11lb, March Pool
Damien’s fish ready to go back

Archie Baillie at Knockando advise that it was a difficult week for us but managed 4 fish this week from 6lb to 15lb. Fingers crossed things continue to pick up.

Knockando prize
a nice Knockando fish
A fish ready to go with an ever attentive ghillie

Downriver at Carron, Ian Borthwick reports that they avoided the blank for the week with a single fish landed by Fiona Brodie on Saturday – well done Fiona.

Fiona Brodie with a nice fish

Laggan had a four fish week advises Max Mckinstrie. Two fish were landed on Wednesday, one from Delchapel for Mr Martin Ward at 14lbs, one from Big Griggle at 11lbs for Mr Ben Tebbutt. Thursday was quiet but again on Friday two further fish were put in the book, both to Mr Martin Ward from Delchapel at 10 lbs and Big Griggle at 8lbs. A couple others lost throughout the week.

Martin Ward 14lbs, Delchapel
Martin Ward again with a 10lber from Delchapel
Martin again from Big Griggle
Ben Tebbutt 11lbs from Big Griggle

Delagyle got on the scorecard too confirms ghillie David Smillie with at least one fish. I do not have an image of it but it was one of the magic 20lbers and landed by one of the famed Gaula ghillies.

Carrying on our journey down the river, Kinermony where ghillie David Brand advises that it was great water height on our beat but the fish were running hard. They managed to slow down enough on Saturday to land two Graham Ritchie and Stewart Yates getting the other- well done gents.

Stewart Yates with a nice fish

Across the river at Wester Elchies avoided the blank with a single fish landed on Saturday confirms Malcolm Newbould.

Aberlour Angling Club added to their season tally with two fish for the week. One was landed by local rod neil Borthwock and one by visiting rod Ronald Ewen.

Ronald Ewen with a lovely fish
Neil Borthwick with a fine fish

As we head down river Dougie Ross at Craigellachie confirms that despite being lightly fished during the week they managed to catch a couple after the guests had left, is that not typical.

At Easter Elchies, Orn Sigurhansson reports a week of two halves. We were very pleased to welcome Tay fishers this week with the McWhinnie fishing party. Good start to the week with 3 landed on Monday. Top rod for the week was Roddy McKay with 4 to his rod. Fish range in size from 7lb to 20lb. Good to get a fish from Lower Dips, first of the season. Brakes put on the week with the hot sunshine on Thursday. Water height starting at 6 inches Monday dropping to 1 inch by Saturday. Water temperature today 54 fahrenheit. 12 salmon for the week, good for the conditions.

First fish from Lower Dips
Bob Bulloch, Fiddich Mouth
a stunning 7lber from Red Craigs
Ladies Haugh all rotivated for this seasons wild flowers

Our next stop is Arndilly where Euan Reid advises a week of lowering water height and rising water temperature, Tulchan will be rubbing their hands and good luck to them. We’ll try to slow them down!
Richard White got us started with a 12.5lb fish from the Soo on the right bank, wading, hooked just below the Soo stone. Egill Kristinsson had an 8lb fish from the tail of the Long Pool, with 11″ on the gauge.
On Tuesday, Prainn Vigfusson had a 7lb fish from the tail of Cobble Pot, and Richard White had a 9.5lb fish from the top end of Soo left.
We had 3 on Wednesday, 7lb for Egill, Jocks Tail right, and William Daniel had a 7lb fish from Soo left and a 14lb from the tail of Long Pool.
Adam Shaw had a lovely 10lb fish from the boat in the Piles in the bright sun on Thursday afternoon and Tom Craig did similar on Friday afternoon from Jocks Tail.
We finished with 4 on Saturday, William again from left side of the Soo, Tom Craig, Back of the Bog, Erik Koberling, Reids, and Prainn from the boat in the Piles.
A thoroughly enjoyable week for the ghillie team.

Erik Koberling with his fish from Reids
Prauinn with a lovely fish
and again
William Daniels with a nice fish
Marked fish, presumably dolphin inflicted injury
Tom Craig, Jocks Tail
Tom again, Back of the Bog

Rothes and Aikenway had another good week, not the same numbers as last but an end of week tally of 17 reports Robbie Stronach. A good start on Monday with 3 fish caught Henry Spence with a fish from Burnmouth , Nic Nocton landed one in Creeky and Charlie Pitts-tucker got one in Long Pool .
Tuesday, just the one landed Peter Spence getting one from Junction. on Wednesday Tim Clarke landed 4 fish one from Creeky , 2 from Jamieson the biggest being 22lb , and one from Town Road. Nic Nocton also got in on the action, landing one in Town road as well . On Thursday Andy Pitts-Tucker landed one from Jamieson. on Friday Nick Green got a brace from Creeky, Steven Fraser got one from Jamieson and Johnny Gray also had a brace from Creeky. finally on Saturday Johnny Gray landed two fish, one from Carnegie and the other one from Town Road.

Tim Clarke with his 22lb stunner
Steven Fraser with a nice fish from Jamieson
Peter Spence in Jamieson
Nick Green with his Creeky fish
Nic Nocton with a fish in Town Road
Nic Nocton in Creeky
Johnny Gray in Creeky
Henry Spence in Burnmouth
Charlie Pitt-Tucker with his fish in the Long Pool

Interesting to see that following the landslide at Rothes, Creeky has been the hot spot as the pool has been altered due the incident and the fish seem to be holding up there- Robbie correct me if I am wrong.

Carrying on downriver to Delfur where Mark Melville reports another nice week here at Delfur with the Elkington party. We had a first fish for Henry Sardeson from Big Haddie. Jill Elkington caught the biggest of the week while husband Sam had the most fish, all from Big Haddie.
We saw more fish running through last week than the whole season combined. I suspect the warmer water conditions at the end of the week made them shift and show more.
Here’s to another good week for the river, tight lines to all.

Henry Sardeson and his first ever salmon
Jill Elkington with a cracking fish
Sam Elkington with a lovely fish

Andy Gunn at Orton reports a quiet week for them with just three fish landed and a few lost. interestingly all fish were caught in the Wee Pool and over the last two days of the week.

An 8lber from the Wee Pool
12lb fish from the Wee Pool
7lb fish from the Wee Pool

Our final stop this year is Gordon Castle and Brae Water where Lewis Webb, Middle Brae ghillie advises a busier week than last, it was great to feel the heat of the sun after what has seemed like an everlasting spell of cold weather and as the water temperatures increased we noticed a lot more fish on the move, which gave us confidence that they are there and in better numbers than this time last year!

George Moss with a fine fish in the sunshine
Charles Rowe and his silver bullet

Next weeks weather looks mixed with warmer temperatures and some rain in the forecast but what quantity is unknown. We will probably see continued dropping levels which may be a good thing or indeed a bad thing but anyway the rods on the river will be trying their hardest to land a Spey fish.

Tight lines to those out and about in the week ahead and that includes myself.


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